statistical information

英 [stəˈtɪstɪkl ˌɪnfəˈmeɪʃn] 美 [stəˈtɪstɪkl ˌɪnfərˈmeɪʃn]

网络  统计信息; 统计资料; 统计信息量; 信息; 统计资讯



  1. The report contains a great deal of statistical information
  2. In addition to the easy-to-read formatting, you also have access to annotation that provides critical statistical information to facilitate your analysis of SQL performance.
  3. You can obtain the statistical information of the pie chart by selecting the Data button.
  4. Beyond that, all they share with IBM is generalized statistical information about testing outcomes.
  5. These updatable views allow you to update certain statistical information to investigate the performance of a hypothetical database, or to update statistics without using the RUNSTATS utility.
  6. You can export this statistical information from Lotus Domino to a flat file that you can load into either a database or spreadsheet.
  7. When statistical information about tables is not accurate, it may cause performance problems.
  8. The following db2look command creates the DDL to duplicate all database objects, along with the configuration and statistical information.
  9. This feature provides statistical information about each SQL statement executed on the system.
  10. It will check the DB2 catalog for useful statistical information and to see what indexes are available.
  11. So, the accuracy of getting an optimal plan is entirely dependant on the up-to-date statistical information about the database objects involved in the query.
  12. These views include columns containing statistical information that is useful to the query optimizer.
  13. This may mean pushing down joins between tables on the same data source, automatically using probe type lookups where appropriate, and using the most efficient join technique based upon indexes and statistical information available at the time the query is executed.
  14. The LDAP Schema Manager is embedded with a statistical information panel and a pie chart panel that gives precise information about the server attribute.
  15. The statistical information is stored in a circular buffer, which the DBA can resize.
  16. The State shall make plans to introduce modern techniques of processing and transmission of statistical information as well as a modern data bank system.
  17. Objective To support sharing, use and management of health statistical information efficiently in electronic environment by using the conceptual model of metadata about health statistical surveys.
  18. Service management system is mainly the implementation of the information service staff input, query, modify, and the corresponding statistical information to generate and print the Report.
  19. Abstract: this paper introduces the features and functions of patent statistical information, expounds the application of patent statistical information in the forecast of market, product and technique and in the analysis on competition situation.
  20. By default, this option is selected; however, it is recommended that you only update the statistical information when the data source is changed.
  21. Machine utilization statistical information collection;
  22. Statistics contained herein are compiled from statistical information provided by insurers in their quarterly returns to the Insurance Authority.
  23. With the rapid development of China's socio-economic, economic statistical data and statistical information grow by geometric progression.
  24. The representative of China emphasized that the purpose of the registration system was only to gather statistical information.
  25. Collecting statistical information, conducting analysis and providing anonymous reporting for internal and external clients;
  26. The value of the computer is that it can process a vast mass of statistical information very quickly.
  27. Once a packet is forwarded, the router should no longer retain statistical information about it.
  28. Objectives: To build subject data set based on the individual inpatient data and, to design the application-oriented statistical information service system.
  29. The State Statistics Bureau shall be in charge of the nation's automated system of statistical information and statistical data bank system.